Digybots for Endless SAP Automation

Automate the tasks, preset your workflows, and own the benefits of maximum productivity by integrating Digybots to your SAP system. The age of Digital transformation began with us. Digybots – the future and core of every industry.
Journey with us to explore our ultimate and potential capabilities.

Why you’ll love us?

Pick and Integrate one of the BOTs to your system and watch the execution levels – Absolutely, outstanding! Fall in love with us for the “wow” features we’ve:

digybots automated tasks

Automated Tasks

100% efficiency with
end-to-end automation

Multi-level security Digybots


Multi-level security architecture.

chat bot Customizable


Quote your requirement, we’ll perform accordingly.

digybots free trial

Free Trial

A sample Go. Explore our awesomeness.

How Cool we are?

Many say that we bring a lot of smart and quick capabilities. We have coolness in scanning, analyzing, executing, and automating repetitive tasks with a single point of control. Bringing the innovative triumph to the industry; bringing the ultimate BOT Experience.

We’ve been built using various programming languages and advanced tools such as Blue Prism, UIPath, Automation Anywhere and many more. The evolutionary tools made us revolutionize the industry processes. So, we are here to:

Repetitive Task Automation
Repetitive Task
digi bots faster execution
Faster Execution &
Accurate Delivery
high-volume data manipulation
High-volume Data
trigger the responses
Trigger the

Math equations proving our Intelligence

  • multiple functionalities digybots

    Efficiency + Effectiveness = Digybot. Built-in multiple functionalities make us process hundreds of thousands of requests or activities in a day.

  • digybots Customized Development

    Analyze x Need = Customized Development. Design us as per your need; develop us as per your flexibility. We are flexible which means enabled customizability.

  • human innovation

    Human Innovation x Our Capabilities = Simple. The tasks seem simple but automation is seamless. Simple tasks when made humans effortless, understand the potentialities and possibilities of us.

  • Right Automation digi bots

    Human Efforts ÷ Simplification = Right Automation Spots. Invoke us and stay at your place – We will show you wonders in process automation. Make them simpler and easy by utilizing the right automation spots.

ultimate bOT experience

Our Evergreen Powers

Bringing the Innovative Triumph to the industry; bringing the ultimate BOT Experience.

  • Compliant &

    Minimize errors, delays, and inefficiencies with accurate results that we deliver.

    Compliant and efficient
  • Process Optimization for Innovation

    Operate in next-gen tech. Elevate your business with innovation in the core

    process optimization digybots
  • Quality

    Expect greater and uncompromised quality outcomes.

    quality services-digybots
digibots robot
  • data management


    Copy data from one system to another with no human involvement.

  • initiate new ations with diybots

    New Actions

    Event-specific actions on the go. Capture the information in the action performed.

  • triering and communicate with our system-digybots

    Triggering and Communicating

    Trigger a million user requests and communicate with other systems on a single go.

automating end-to-end SAP

Challenging Roleplay

The upcoming business challenges in the 21 st Century are unimaginable. So, we, DigyBots will transform the industry by automating end-to-end SAP activities. Such automation results in greater impact thus making every complex process simple and astonishing.

  • Declining manual efforts with awesome levels of execution
  • Optimizing the standards through high throughput and accurate delivery
  • Thriving industries in the field of Digital Intelligence to confront SAP challenges
  • Lowering operational costs with enriching innovative solutions for the industries

DigyBOT Team

Introducing my team! Explore my teams' capabilities and integrate based on your business requirements.

Ms. Chatterbox Conversational chatbot

Ms. Chatterbox

Conversational Bot

I am the base of Bot intelligence. Simple task execution such as processing the requests from the options saved in my memory is what I can do. As my features are limited, I can't assure end-to-end automation.

Mr.Dispenser Hyderid Bot

Mr. Dispenser

Hybrid Bot

In general, ambidextrous is to write with both hands and do you know that I am also ambidextrous? Yes, I am the combination of Ms. Chatterbox and Ms. Proactive. Automate me to a particular task or limit me to conversational – it’s your choice.

Autonomous bot automating the activities

Ms. Proactive

Autonomous Bot

I take care of automating the activities completely. Built-in multi-functionalities allow me to be compliant and efficient. Multi-tasking allows me to execute a million tasks in minutes. I am customizable as per the business requirements.

Mr. Hawking cognitive bot

Mr. Hawking

Cognitive Bot

Integrate me to your SAP system and just relax as it’s time for me to make decisions. Unwrapping logical abilities which equates to human intelligence. Advanced customization and master-level features allow me to make end-to-end SAP automation.

Await the Future!

Though we do multiple tasks in a few steps, you may think what’s that extra factor industries expect in the future about DigyBots' performance.

We will be able to make decisions just as you do. Yes, we’ll have a brain and tech experts have named us as “Cognitive Bots – Bots built with a brain.” Our team calls us as Intelligent BOTs.

cognitive Bots – Bots built with a brain

Frequently Asked Questions

Everyone often wonders how Digybots can make businesses better and what the potential of RPA in SAP is. Here are some frequently asked questions!

7 out of 10 businesses today uses software applications which are on-the-shelf. Means, they doesn't fit to their exact business requirements. Digybots are not similar and they are custom to order (CTO) BOTs. We customize them are per your business needs so that you can utilize them 100%.

Ofcourse.. we have delivered so many projects already on SAP. Talk to our experts who can provide you the possible/potential automation spots.

Digybots are platform indepedent and SAP's IRPA is one of the BOT platform on which BOTs can be developed. We can develop Digybots on SAP IRPA as well.

We work on multiple RPA tools such as Automation Anywhere, UI Path, Blue Prism, SAP IRPA and our custom RPA platform as well.

BOTs run 24/7 and can deliver 100% quality work. Your investment on Digybots is one time, but you will have them for 365 days, 24/7 work for you. Typical Return of Investment is in lessthan 6 months.

The timelines are depended on the process that we are automating. Once after your dicsussions with our experts, we will provide a detailed timeline and a project plan.

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